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Where there’s a Will, there’s a Way - A Criação de Hábitos Gera Poder

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit." Aristotle

Seems like, nowadays, many of us are obsessed with figuring out how long it takes to turn an habit into productive and / or visible results as quick as possible. A 2010 study by University College London (UCL) tracked 96 people over 12 weeks, as they attempted to make a daily health lifestyle change. Each participant chose a dietary, or activity behavior, like drinking a glass of water — to be undertaken once daily (e.g., after breakfast), then they proceeded to self-report how “automatic” (habitual) the activity felt each time they did it. The researchers found that it took, on average, 66 days until the behavior reached peak levels of automaticity. There was a lot of variation within each participant’s results during the UCL study; for example, it took one person only 18 days to reach peak automaticity, while another didn’t get there at all by the end of the 84 days (it was estimated that this person would probably get there after about 254 days). Furthermore, some behaviors became habitual more easily than others; simple behaviors like drinking a glass of water everyday by the morning reached automaticity quickly, while complex ones, like doing 50 push-ups, took much longer. Even if this habit-formation study reveals us such detailed information, it´s perfectly clear that new habits form through determination. Our success in setting up new routines and habits starts with laying the proper groundwork and skill building depends on our aptitude and experience. If we have an efficient learning framework, then we’ll master new things quickly, but if we don’t, it can take a long time.

Unlike trying to learn a new skill, making something a habit comes down to how badly we want it. You already have the end-result in your mind, when you set up new patterns and routines, all you need to do is create an environment to support yourself and commit to executing that vision. We don’t have to learn a new skill to quit smoking, for example, we start by committing to quitting, then we change our environment starting with throwing out all the cigarettes hiding in our house and car and we will stop putting ourselves in situations where we will be enticed by others’ smoking habits. Going to the gym at the same time, or just starting a daily outdoor's activity, even if we are not good at it, or an expert on that specific matter, will be of great help, as long as we do it as a daily routine to form the habit.

"Education is not the Learning of facts but the Training the Mind to Think." A. Einstein

It is Not About How Fast You Can Build A Habit, It is What You Build That Matters. Adopting good habits can help us live a longer, happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life. By starting small, we can build a foundation on which larger changes can rest.

We should always focus on wanting to make a change, and never stop striving to be the greatest version of ourselves. Where there’s a will, there’s a way and Small Changes will always lead You to Great Gains. 

'Nothing is impossible', the word itself says «I'm Possible».

Devemos sempre tentar redirecionar a nossa atenção para o fato de fazermos questão de querer marcar pela diferênça e jamais devemos parar de nos esforçar para conseguirmos ser a melhor versão de nós próprios. Com força de vontade, tudo se consegue e são as pequenas alterações à norma que nos irão conduzir, sempre, a grandes resultados.

"Nós somos tudo aquilo que fazemos, de uma forma sistemática. A Supremacia não é um ato, mas sim um Hábito." Aristóteles

"A educação não depende da aprendizagem dos fatos, depende do treino mental que gera os pensamentos." A. Einstein

A própria formação da palavra 'Impossível', gerou um conjunto de observações que acabou por levar à ideologia 'Nada é Impossível', até mesmo o que por vezes parece aparentemente 'Impossível', passa a ser 'Possível' de concretizar. 


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Where there’s a Will, there’s a Way - A Criação de Hábitos Gera Poder

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit." Aristotle Seems like, nowadays, many of us a...